Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Gap Year...Part One (series)

WHAT IS THE GAP YEAR Simply put, the Gap Year is an option being exercised by an increasing number of students between graduating from high school and starting college. The Gap Year affords particular students with a one year after high school occasion to foster personal growth and motivation before embarking on collegiate study and life afterward. RISE IN GAP YEAR POPULARITY The Gap Year is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it is incredibly popular in European countries, where between 10 and 20 percent of students welcome this year away from school to experience life and to gain critical skills for collegiate survival. It is, however, a growing trend among American students in the last 5 to 10 years. Its popularity saw a recent surge during the 2008 presidential campaign as the candidates reached out to young and first time voters. Some cities, such as Denver, are now also hosting “Gap Year fairs,” similar in set-up to traditional college fairs, where representatives from various Gap Year programs are invited to speak to potential students about the opportunities afforded during this hiatus from school.

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