Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Colleges & Facebook (Part Seven) - Baker University

Part seven of a multi-part series on how local colleges and universities are utilizing Facebook...
Out of all of the local colleges and universities profiled in this series so far, Baker University in Baldwin City, Kansas certainly has the fewest number of Facebook pages dedicated to its campus. But this small campus, home to 4000 students total from its main campus and five satellite adult program locations, is quite vested in the mechanics of social media.
Most of the Baker University social media offerings, outside of the website, are directed toward current students, but as noted in previous articles within this series, those viewable interactions can be the most honest and informative communication a prospective college student will encounter when learning about a possible future campus home.
Baker University may only have a handful of active Facebookpages, but they also extend their electronic presence to its constituents via TwitterYou Tube, podcasts, and a blog series.
Here is a list (with links) of Baker University's Facebookpages, followed by information (again, with links) leading prospective students to the alternate means by which to investigate the campus community of Baker University:
Baker University also has an extensive blog presence online with thirteen students who regularly post information and photos from campus under more than 22 tagged categories about "Wildcat LIfe and Beyond."
They also have a relatively extensive library of podcasts, "What's Shakin and Bakin at Baker," via The Baker Orange on a variety of topics important to current students.
You can also find Baker University on You Tube!

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