Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October, Seniors' Least Favorite Month

October is a tough month in the lives of high school seniors. Continued academic testing, higher expectations and demands in course work, leadership roles in extra-curricular activities, mid-term exams, and college applications all take away from personal downtime, as well as much needed sleep. Especially during this season of high anticipation over the flu, seniors need to remember to take care of themselves, not just academically, but physically. Too often, I have seen seniors neglect sleep in order to accomplish their "to do" list. The immune system is weakened and illness settles. Seniors push on, not slowing down during the onset of symptoms. And the illness progresses to far worse proportions. This is when a nasty cycle is set in motion; student misses school to heal, student gets behind in class, student returns to school before the body is ready, student misses sleep trying to catch up on assignments and activity commitments, student's illness returns. Repeat. Time management is key. Advanced preparation is paramount. Effective communication is required. Be aware of approaching deadlines, especially when related to college applications. Set aside a block of time each day to preview the days ahead. Don't wait until the night before to study for an exam or write the college application essay; in neither case will it be your best work. Speak up when you need help or when you are feeling your health decline. No one expects a super hero out of a 17 or 18 year old student! Applying these positive habits now will allow for a smoother transition into collegiate life and will certainly be a benefit later throughout your personal and professional life. Here's to your emotional and physical health during what is the most stressful month in the life of a high school senior!

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