Friday, October 2, 2009

Top Ten "YES, PLEASE DOs" on Your College Application Resume

(in no particular order) 10. Make sure to list your name, mailing address, home phone number, and email address at the top of the first page of your resume. 9. Brag about how you spend your time! Include everything in your first draft. Revision may allow you to delete less important items, but don't edit yourself at the start. 8. Create categories for your high school activities and accomplishments. Typical groupings may include honors and awards, athletics, community service, extra-curricular activities, and employment. 7. Use numbers (9,10,11,12) to specify which grades each activity was performed. Freshman year, sophomore, junior year, and senior year is quite wordy when you have a several page resume. 6. On that same note, stick to grade (9,10,11,12) years versus calendar years (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010). No reader wants to calculate what grade you were in during which year. 5. Longevity (9-12) and most recent (12) should be listed first within each category, then work backward to (9) items. This more clearly demonstrates where your heart lies and establishes a more uniform approach for easy reading. 4. Put your name on every page. The best place is usually on the top right corner. Pages can easily become unstapled while on the reader's desk. You don;t want your hard earned work to end up in the recycle bin because they do not know to which resume the missing page belongs. 3. Pick a format that works best for you. Some will have a grid/table, others will opt for a bullet point list. There is no right or wrong format, only the layout that best emphasizes what you have pulled off in high school and what you will be bringing to the college campus community. 2. Indicate your time commitment for each endeavor. Let the admission representative know how many hours you put into an activity. Be consistent with how that time is reported (hours per week, weeks per month, etc.). 1. Include BRIEF descriptions of your participation in an activity or of an award received. Were you elected to a leadership position? Did you co-found the club? What is the goal of the organization?

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